Are you looking for tips?

Are you looking for suggestions on how to win BIG?

Well you better go somewhere else because I’m the last person you should be getting in touch with! (haha! only joking)

Guest posting about your experiences in winning big prizes will always want to be heard! So if you want to submit a guest post then please follow our guidelines:

  • All guest posts submitted should be at least 500 words and spelling and grammar should all be right
  • All guest posts should be original and not hosted on any other website, blog or publication
  • Facts presented should be true
  • Content should align with current content on Lotto dog which can be about gambling, winning and even tips on how to win.

I’d love to hear from you about absolutely anything – though it’s still true that most of what I receive is spam through this contact form – there are enough good nuggets to make sure that I check it a few times a day.  Hearing a simple “good post” is enough to make me happy for a good few hours, sad as I am.

I like to hear if there is anything that is going wrong with my site. Even if it is only the littlest thing, I would like to know what is going wrong.

Give me some feedback. Like what is wrong with my site? What do I need to improve? Or even just a little compliment you can use the contact form below. I will get back to you and improve whatever you need me too.

So if you want to get in touch please complete the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I do look forward to hearing your ideas and advice on how to win big! Hope to hear from you soon :).
