The Gambling Constriction Brings Lotteries into the Mix
The online gambling world is getting smaller. While that might seem like a strange thing to say given that we’re also about to assert that you can now play more games than ever, it’s true. The way in which we’re now able to ante-up online has changed and looks set to continue changing for the foreseeable future.
Over the last two years there has been a noticeable difference in the way major iGaming operators present their products to us. Instead of compartmentalising everything into its own little hub, many of the top platforms have gradually homogenised their sites in singular platforms offering multiple betting options.
Making the Industry Better for Everyone
“smile” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by wewiorka_wagner
The reason for this is twofold, accessibility and popular appeal. By making it easier for customers to click through various betting options, whether it is casino games, sports betting or poker, operators have in turn made these options more accessible. Instead of having to skip from site to site in order to enjoy different games, you can now login to a site and sample a wide range of treats.
The upshot of this increased accessibility, and the second reason for moving towards a singular platform, is that it appeals to more people. By bringing each of its various assets into a single platform, an operator can more easily expose sports bettors to casino games, poker players to sports betting and so on.
In fact, according to a report by the Gambling Commission in the UK, “growth can be seen in betting, bingo, casino, remote (betting, bingo and casino) and lotteries sectors.”
New Games, New Ways to Win
“Day Two hundred and seven: It’s nice to” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Insulinde
This dynamic then creates a more buoyant gaming environment which, in turn, generates more traffic and more revenue for the company in question. Indeed, it’s no secret that the recent mergers and acquisitions have been the result of an increased need for industry consolidation.
For players this recent change of tact is fantastic because it’s meant the introduction and integration of new games and opportunities. One of the latest innovations to become a popular feature in the iGaming world is lotteries. Today it’s possible to scroll through the iGaming options and place a bet on lotteries from around the world.
From the Irish Lottery and New York Lottery to custom lotteries designed by the site itself, lotto betting online is now big business. In fact, thanks to features such as advanced betting (up to five weeks on Paddy Power), mobile betting and guaranteed jackpots, online lotteries are now becoming more popular than ever.
All Good Things Come in Small Packages
“Good Things in Small Packages” (CC BY 2.0) by The Classy Kat
Of course, the fact you’re only betting on the outcome of the numbers and not actually taking part in the draw itself can mean some punters are put off. However, the fact it’s not possible to speculate on many of the world’s leading lotteries in between playing blackjack and placing a sports bet is fantastic news for the average gambler.
In fact, had it not been for the recent homogenisation of the iGaming industry, online lotto betting might not have become as popular. By nestling these options alongside casino games, sports betting and poker, it has given customers the ability to move from one medium to another, experience new things and, potentially, win a lottery jackpot.
So, while it’s clear the online gaming industry is getting smaller, it’s important to remember that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.